Discs can HEAL!

Revolutionary Back Pain Treatment!

1402 Case Studies

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Dr. Jeff Winternheimer's MRI. It shows his herniated disc.

Doctor Jeff Winternheimer MRI 

Three Major Breakthroughs​

Breakthrough No.1 (2005)

Discs Can Heal!

Our first big discovery was about using MRIs to check if more blood flow could help heal the discs. We took MRIs before and after our treatment on the same day to see the changes. The results showed that doing certain exercises, stretching, and decompression boosted blood flow into the discs.

After six months of looking closely, we found that this increased blood flow not only got rid of herniated discs but also helped the discs heal and get hydrated again.

Herniated Disc MRI before and after
Herniated Disc before and after
Double Herniated Disc MRI
MRI Scan Before and After
Gary Loeber MRI
before and after MRI
before and after MRI
Gary Loeber MRI
Herniated Disc before and after
Herniated Disc MRI before and after
Double Herniated Disc MRI

Breakthrough No.2 (2010)

It's a step by step process

In our second breakthrough, we utilized a groundbreaking 3D MRI study. The study revealed specific disc movements during dynamic actions. The study revealed 5 specific motion patterns during dynamic actions.

Identifying five unique movement patterns for each person, we created a personalized plan to correct abnormal motions and improve blood circulation.

By breaking down the process into five clear movements, we eliminated any guesswork, providing a step-by-step approach.

Flexion and extention

We can see this person’s standing MRIs through different movements and the way their disc behaves. Certain movement patterns cause their disc to push out more.

With seven clinics in Chicago, Dr. Jeff’s focus on solving the riddle of back pain attracted famous athletes like Super Bowl champions and Hall of Fame football players. His expertise gained media attention and even led to hosting his own TV and radio shows.

Breakthrough No.3 (2018)

It can be done online

Our third major breakthrough came when 10 individuals in the program experienced significant improvement—showing that people could get better without needing to visit the clinic. This success prompted us to take the program online, refining and perfecting it over five years.

The program offers the convenience of being completed entirely online, providing accessibility and flexibility to all participants.

The online version proved more effective than clinic-based treatments. This success is attributed to our approach of empowering patients with proactive education, fostering a deeper understanding of their well-being.

Success Stories

Really happy with the program. I am no longer taking pain medication, visiting chiropractors, or receiving massages. I've made more progress with this back program than any treatment in the last 10 years.
Peter B.
Herniated Disc
I have never experienced a system of a doctor so adept, thorough, and encouraging at rehabilitation than Dr. Jeff. He's not only a doctor but a person who has also suffered from disc issues that he focuses on healing for others.
Douglas W.
Degenerative Disc
I made it! A sprint triathlon. Thank you all for your support, to Dr. Jeff Winternheimer and to the program. 16 months ago I could not walk well, sit or sleep without pain.
Ligia R.
Herniated Disc and Sciatica
I can't believe when I started this program I was struggling to get from one room to the other. 3 weeks today no pain at all and I got to enjoy an amazing beach walk again. I am so grateful I found this program.
Michelle A.
Bulging DIsc

Years of Experience


Percent Effective


Studies Done






Case Studies

Our 5 Steps to Heal The Disc

Understanding the cause of your back pain

Traditional medicine often focuses on managing symptoms rather than addressing he root cause of your back pain. This approach creates a cycle where people rely on ongoing medical interventions without solving the underlying issue.

Our goal is to offer clarity by addressing and dispelling common myths and misinformation surrounding lower back pain.

Proven Healing Movements

We do not belive that one size fits all.

Learn movements designed to act like powerful tools for your body, promoting functional strength, stability, and endurance.

At Home Decompression

Our program aims to center the nucleus of the spine, promoting a targeted and effective approach to alleviate pressure and enhance the blood flow to the disc.

Our program includes five specific movement patterns that play a pivotal role in dictating the direction of your healing journey.

Restore Disc Alignment

We offer targeted exercises designed to bring the herniated disc back to its proper position within the spine. 

Strengthen your core, glute, and hip muscles to improve stability, support for the spine, posture, balance, and overall functionality for better lower back health.

Boost Nutritional Benefits

We provide nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory recipes and dietary guidance for a balanced, health-conscious lifestyle, and faster healing!

What We Offer

Personalised Exercises

Experience personalized back pain relief in the comfort of your own home with our online program, featuring daily videos that guide you through targeted exercises. Our weekly routines complement this approach, providing a comprehensive solution to strengthen and alleviate back discomfort.

Diet Plan

Our nutritional support has been expertly designed to complement your exercise routine perfectly. It helps alleviate discomfort and accelerates disc healing, giving you a stronger and incredibly supported feeling. Our comprehensive program addresses both physical activity and a healing-oriented diet, making you feel better and healthier.


Our program offers more than just videos and exercises. We provide personalized coaching to help you keep track of your progress and offer valuable advice and tips for optimal results. Our dedicated coaching team ensures that you maintain proper form during exercises, maximizing the effectiveness of the program and minimizing the risk of injury.

Anyone Can Get Better

Previous Treatments

Even if you had surgeries, tried physical therapy, chiropractors etc.

No Matter The Duration

Whether you had back pain for 10 years or 10 months, you can live back pain-free.

Multiple Conditions

We treat people who on average have 2 or more disc related conditions

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